Spring at Callaway Gardens on Kodak Ektar 100
A celebration of the color of Spring during the peak Azalea season in Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA.
All photos were exposed on 35mm Kodak Ektar 100 processed at normal development time by Indie Film Lab in Alabama. Images scanned at home with a Pacific Image Prime Film XAs.
Carrie Beth Wallace
The word “advocate”—along with many others—seems to have lately lost a bit of power. The casual usage of it, along with our self-attributing to fill out About Me sections, all seem have contributed to the loss of impact of valuable words.
Bunny Hinzman
I have learned over time that the value assigned to a photograph is entirely subjective, and our estimations vary significantly.
I have been told from time to time that my work (which likely does not apply to everything that I create) shows a connection with the subject.
The Allens
Shortly after gearing up with professional-grade camera equipment, I started photographing The Allens. Little did I know, they would become a recurring view and a truly significant part of my life.
Reshonda Parker
The thumping in my chest has guided me where my eyes can’t see; like a rudder it sways me.
As I write, and sip on coffee, I see myself portraying Reshonda over, and over, again. It is—in a way—a rehearsal. I can see myself in the moment, directing with clumsy words, making calculations, releasing the shutter; hoping for a connection that shall transcend my limited ability, and my medium.
Documentary, Artistic Intent, Business, and Life
I have spent the last months trying to dissect my path as a photographer. It has not been easy to separate the documentarian, from the quasi-artist, from the man who wants to establish a business, and he who is fascinated with life itself.
The Mill: An Interview with Stanley Scott
Back in 2013 I set out to film a documentary that would get me to the award shows. I sold my car to buy gear to make my vision come to life. I had great ambition, and drive. However, gear, ambition, and drive, do not a documentarian make. I was inexperienced and a little foolish.
Becoming a Photographer
By definition, a photographer is: “A person who takes photographs, especially as a job.” It is interesting to me that, in a sense, a photographer is merely a person who takes photographs. Under that definition, a very large percentage of people in the contemporary world are—in fact—photographers. However, I think that most would agree with me that there is more to being a photographer than just being the person behind the camera.